Women’s Vacations With Whale Watching Tours

Are you feeling frazzled? Seeking some peace or an escape from the endless everyday demands of work and family life?

If you’re life is reminiscent of Cinderella’s before her fairy godmother appeared, a women’s vacation including a whale watch tour from San Juan Island could be just what you are looking for.

Let’s face it; life can get a little grey with its endless routines and thankless tasks. Sometimes, it’s only the hint of a vacation on the distant horizon that keeps us going. So whether it’s some girlie down-time with your close family or a longed-for retreat with a bunch of equally weary female friends, make the San Juan Islands the destination for your women’s vacation to remember.

Easily reachable either by ferry or a short flight from Seattle or Vancouver B.C; you’ll soon feel a world away from reality. Public transport is plentiful so simply relax and let someone else take care of you for a change.

San Juan County is made up of 172 islands but the four popular spots for vacations are San Juan Island, Orcas Island, Lopez Island and Shaw Island. With a sublime temperate climate of around 70 F throughout the summer months, you’ll be spoilt for choice. Art galleries, antique shops, bookstores, restaurants to satisfy all palates, vineyards, a variety of tantalizing beaches and an iconic lighthouse – these islands have it all.

No women’s vacations to the San Juan Islands would be complete without a unique whale watching tour. These majestic mammals grace the waters of the islands throughout the summer months. Head out to San Juan Island for your optimum chance to catch a glimpse of these spellbinding creatures.

The most common and familiar whale you’ll see on your tour is the orca whale. This epitome of monochrome elegance can mainly been seen off San Juan Island from May through September. Normally gathering in families of ‘pods’ – and there are reportedly three pods around San Juan Island -you will often hear their subtle noises or vocalizations (a little like clicks and grunts) before the whales actually swim into view. Take a deep breath for your first glance. It will be a memory you’ll carry with you for the rest of your life.

With a tail lob – often used by the matriarch to keep her family in line – spy hops and frequent diving for food, prepare to be simultaneously entertained and speechless!

The waters of the San Juan Islands aren’t the exclusive domain of the orca whales. If you’re lucky you’ll get to see the elusive minke whale (pronounced mink-ee). You’ll need some patience to spot the Minke whales as their dives are much longer than the orcas. Minkes are baleen whales. Rather than teeth, baleen plates separate their food from the seawater they take in. At 35 feet long they are the smallest baleen whales in North America (that doesn’t sound all that small does it?) and travel in groups no larger than two or three as they’re fairly solitary mammals.

The whale watching tour off San Juan Island may also offer you a view of the gray whale too. You won’t miss them. These huge creatures grow up to 50 feet long and have an average life span of an amazing 50 to 60 years.

Lovers of wildlife will also adore the sights of sea lions, nesting cormorants, seals and seabirds making this women’s vacation including a whale watch tour from San Juan Island the envy of all your friends back home. While it will undoubtedly be your highlight, there’s much more to experience in the San Juan Islands.

Soak in the pristine beauty of the verdant forests and trilling bird life. Whether you take a hiking trail through the woods, laze on a beach, soak up the sun or surrender to solitude, the choice is yours. Linger in coffee shops, saunter through art galleries, stroll along the sand at sunset. Rediscover yourself and your long lost sense of awe in the process.

If you’re tempted (and who wouldn’t be?) what are you waiting for? Treat yourself. Once visited, never forgotten, the San Juan Islands are perfect for when life gets that little bit too much and Cinderella’s prince remains a myth.

Throw in some time to bond with like minded friends and make this years women’s vacation including a whale watch tour from San Juan Island the time of your lives.

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